In this busy holiday period we are aware that even those who know that the horrors of fracking have only retreated temporarily may find it difficult to focus on grim issues such as pollution, corruption and more. However, shortly after the holidays the French Government will call an Environmental Conference to re-examine the prospects for fracking en France and many believe that they will eventually seek to amend or repeal the loi Jacob banning the process. Of course, we could be wrong.
In the meantime, here is another chance to view the documentary The Sky is Pink by Josh Fox produced in anticipation of his shortly to be released GASLANDS - 2. Compulsive viewing.
Watch the movie: The Sky is Pink (click link ).
In the meantime, our thanks to those who have given their visible support to Schistehappens by clicking the 'Join this Site' link ( the one in blue at the top right of this page ).
Here is a very useful link re gaz de schiste:
Thanks to Romaine for this.
Bob Earl