Saturday, 28 January 2012

European Commissioner to pave the way for Super Fracking?

In an article in the Wall Street Journal, the EU Energy Commissioner M. Günther Oettinger, has declared that in view of the findings of a commission set up by Brussels, there is no justification for any change to existing EU controls on shale gas exploration including hydraulic fracking. Many were hopeful that the commission would increase environmental and safety controls. The oil and gas company lobbyists would appear to have been hard at work.

Also just announced by Halliburton is the brand new ‘super –fracking’ technique. It should come as no surprise that super-fracking is just like regular fracking but will be able to do more damage, more quickly, more cheaply from fewer sites. Click for more on Super-Fracking.

In a sane world one would assume that if the French law has banned fracking this would include ‘super-fracking’. But history teaches us to be wary of politicians and industry lobby groups as they have a tendency to produce perverse results. Thus it is quite possible that the EU will say that France’s ban on fracking is fine, but cannot be extended to include super-fracking, or some such nonsense that panders to the immense wealth and influence of the gas companies. Politicians are mainly interested in short-term, election-related solutions, and are under great pressure to put off the difficult decision of finding alternatives to fossil fuels. This is a dangerous combination.

As ever they will only respond if they think it will affect their chances of re-election. This goes for both French and EU politicians. So once again we are asking you to write to them.

The actual message is not as important as the number of people who write to them. Letters and emails should clearly state that you object to the exploitation of shale gas in general, and hydraulic fracturing in particular. You can expand your letter by referring to the need to cut down on fossil fuel use, not find new sources. And how shale gas will reduce the pressure to find effective sources of renewable energy. For more reasons not to go down the shale gas route check out the Dozen Devastating Denials of Shale Gas

Send your emails to EU environmental deputies. Click here for link to Word document with list of their email addresses.

Send letters to:
Monsieur Günther Oettinger
Commissaire European a l’Energie
B – 1049 – BRUXELLES



Madame Connie Hedegaard
Commissaire Européan
A l’Action pour le Climat
Rue Archimede, 73

The wolves are still at the door. It is still up to us to stop them getting in.

Many thanks from all at the Schiste Happens Team

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