There is some reluctance to rescind the gas exploration permits which have been granted on the grounds that the government will have to pay out huge sums in compensation to the gas exploration companies.

This does not hold true for the 'Permis de Cahors' (5,700 sq km - 3Legs Oil & Gas) or the 'Permis de Beaumont de Lomagne (10,400 sq km - Ste BNK Petroleum) - where permission for exploration has not yet been given.
And anyway, whatever compensation may eventually be paid, it is unliely to be anywhere near the cost of repairing the damage done in this gas-rush greed-fest, so is probably something of a bargain - and the gas companies would be unwise to hold their breath waiting for the cheque.
There will be a demonstration in Sarlat on Saturday and you are urged to go along and show your support. The demonstration demands that the Government DO NOT grant these permissions. Meet at 11am in front of the Sous Prefecture (no address available so Goggle it).
Please be there - we can still make a difference.
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