Monday, 30 November 2015

France - Villeneuve -de - berg - the battle continues

Readers may recall that Messrs Scheupbach and Total filed several legal proceedings following the cancellation of their licence to frack at several locations in France. The plaintiffs will have their appeals reviewed on December 8th by the Administrative Tribunal of Clergy-Pontoise. The sites concerned are in Drôme and Ardèche: Villeneuve-de-berg and Montelimar.  Local collectives have made and continue to make their feelings clear to all concerned. Ed.

Read the report ( in French, we recommend Google Translate ) here:-

Friday, 27 November 2015

Monday, 16 November 2015

Jose Bove fears a resumption of shale gas drilling in the Gard and Herault Departements.

And probably with good reason - Ed.

France - Sailor supports shale gas in political bid

It would seem that sailor Maude Fontenoy is still in favour of shale gas/fracking and is making this something of a platform in the context of her role in Les Republicans (formerly the UMP ). 

Once President Hollande is gone it would seem inevitable that fracking will once again become a major issue en France.

Full article here ( in French ):

Saturday, 14 November 2015

UK becomes only G7 country to increase fossil fuel subsidies

From The Guardian.............................

'Tory government is giving billions in ever increasing handouts to oil and gas majors at the same time as cutting support for clean energy, report reveals'

Read the full report here: