Sunday, 23 August 2015

Super low gas price spells trouble for fracking in the UK

Read the report here................................

Never mind eh. In the meantime we can artificially crank up the share price on the back of so called geological surveys the outcome of which will no doubt suggest untold riches. To hell with local democracy, the natural environment, habitat, people's health and the upcoming road congestion and wear and tear. Never mind the fact that this is one more fossil fuel being extracted by the most heavily subsidized industry on the planet. Never mind eh? Ed.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

UK - Despoilation of the countryside is imminent. What can you do?

Today we have taken the exceptional step of re-presenting in it's entirety an urgent  communication received from Greenpeace seeking input and your ideas. Please respond directly and not to us here at Schiste Towers. Thank you. Ed

David Cameron's plan to force fracking on us just became even more real. Only 24 hours ago, the government announced it will open up another 1,000 square miles of the UK to the shale gas and oil industry. And going off reports in the press, it looks like thousands more miles will follow [1].
Areas of natural beauty, including the North York Moors and the Peak District, have been licensed for drilling. As have swathes of land near Lincoln, Nottingham and Sheffield.
So what happens next? Behind the scenes, Greenpeace’s team is sifting through the detail of what the announcement means. And as soon as we have more details, we’ll share them. But already one thing is clear -- starting today, we need to organise together.
Can you share your ideas on what we could do next? Take the quick survey here:
Until now, fracking firms had restricted licenses that only allowed them to drill in a few parts of the country. But yesterday’s announcement changed that. Now the starting gun has been fired on Cameron’s plan to double the area of land that can be fracked.
If the prime minister gets his way, the consequences could be devastating. Extracting gas from rocks beneath our towns and countryside will put water supplies, and delicate wildlife protection zones, at risk. And drilling for more fossil fuels will keep us hooked on dirty energy for years to come, accelerating climate change even more.
To make matters worse, the announcement comes barely a week after the government unveiled measures to fast-track fracking applications. Under the new rules, local councils -- the government bodies who previously had the final say on fracking -- now have limited powers to put the brakes on.
Lots of us are feeling angry that, despite the huge risks and overwhelming public concern, the government is determined to frack. So if you've any questions or concerns you’d like to get off your chest, please do reply to this email and our team here at Greenpeace will try its best to help. Together we can also turn anger into action. If thousands of us chip in our ideas, our energy and our time, we can come up with the best possible plan to push back.
Can you spare five minutes to have your say at this crucial moment? Click to take part:
With all my thanks,
Greenpeace UK

1. Fracking in the UK: Could it happen near you?

Total pull out of Denmark - 'Not enough shale gas to make it worthwhile'.

So what price their wonderful geologists who claim to know just how many trillion cubic metres lie underground? Guestimates - all of them and solely in the cause of elevating share price. Read the report here.

Let's hope Messrs Total find somewhere else to explore rather than return to frack-up l'hexagon.Ed.

1,000 square miles of England to be opened up for fracking.

And not much sign of it in the South we note...................................

Green and pleasant land? Ed.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

UK - Not going quite to plan apparently.

Public support for UK nuclear and shale gas falls to new low

British public support for nuclear power and shale gas has fallen to its lowest ever level in a long-running official government survey, which has also briefly ceased polling showing widespread public support for renewable energy.
Nuclear and fracking for shale gas are key planks of the Conservative government’s energy policy, but the polling published on Tuesday shows just one in five people now support shale gas and one in three support nuclear.
Government sources warned last week that fracking plans could be delayed for 16 months after Lancashire county council rejected applications by shale gas company Cuadrilla to drill and frack wells in Fylde.

Read the full article here:-

End of so - called shale boom ( sic) in Europe?

Certainly looks like it ( articel here in French, but well worth copying and pasting into Google Translate if need be ): -

US - Obama's clean power plan will hit shale gas share of electricity
