Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Monday, 29 September 2014

France - current situation.

As regular readers of these pages will know we try to provide balanced reportage and back up data from a wide variety of sources. We never forget however, that our original purpose when establishing Schistehappens was to inform English-speaking residents of fracking related events en France, wherever possible in their own language.

It is now more than three years since the the Sarkozy - led government gave in to massive pressure to cancel the permits for shale gas exploration and exploitation that Minister Borloo had signed ( in secret ) and place the loi Jacob ( albeit in much diluted form ) on the statute books. For this we were thankful but never remotely convinced that it would be the end of the matter. Unfortunately, many of those ex-pats who were excited at the time would appear to now believe that it 'could never happen in France'.

True to say that President Hollande has so far kept to his word and not allowed exploitation although he has of course been careful to point out that in essence he is not opposed to exploration ( along with the Constitutional Council ) and is open to 'alternative methods' of extraction. Needless to say these ( mostly amounting to methods involving propane - yet to be proven anywhere ) would all involve landscape desecration and massive logistics in order to extract yet another fossil fuel at this crucial point in our history and still represent a distraction of investment away from renewables.

Last week, Nicolas Sarkozy ( remember him? ) declared that he would resort to fracking if elected ( clearly no qualms there about repealing his own party's loi Jacob of March 2011) largely due to the jobs that could be created. In truth, the jobs would be a drop in the ocean numerically, be temporary and unbelievably unhealthy Nick. This week Environment Minister Ségolène Royal re-affirmed her party's opposition. Of course, this means ( at best ) a two year period of grace before a more right-wing (to whatever degree) administration once again takes over the stewardship of the country and be it N.Sarkozy or AN Other the chances are that the lobbyists will hold sway.

Here at Schiste Towers we anticipate that by then matters in the UK will be coming to a head and one can only hope that our French compatriots will take due note of the disruption caused. Ed

UK - Take 6% and get your water poisoned and your life ruined.

Latest whiz-bang idea to convince gullible citizens:http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/28/british-firm-ineos-accused-bribes-bulldozers-approach-fracking Then there is the recution ( to zero in some cases ) in the value of your property and the notion that we should not be extracting yet another fossil fuel in the first place.

6% - Hmmm.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

France - In the meantime however..................

Today ( Sunday 28th September, 2014 ), Environment Minister Ségolène Royal firmly stated that 'Tant que je serai ministre, il n'y aura pas de gaz de schiste' ('For as long as I am minister there will be no shale gas '). The minister confirmed that this extended to both exploration and exploitation.

Read the statement here ( in French ): http://www.leparisien.fr/environnement/royal-tant-que-je-serai-ministre-il-n-y-aura-pas-de-gaz-de-schiste-28-09-2014-4170815.php

Thursday, 25 September 2014

France - If elected, Sarkozy will go all out for fracking.

Nicolas Sarkozy set out his proposals in Lille today for a second term in office. Last time he oversaw one of his ministers ( Borloo ) signing shale gas agreements in secret and then had his hand forced when the loi Jacob was passed in July 2011 albeit in much diluted format. This time we anticipate that he/ the UMP would seek to repoeal their own law in pretty short order. IF they are elected. Ed.

Here is the link in French: http://www.leparisien.fr/politique/en-direct-suivez-le-premier-meeting-de-sarkozy-a-lambersart-25-09-2014-4163875.php

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

US - Rockefeller Family to actively disinvest in fossil fuels.

Hard to believe, but the heirs to the Rockefeller family fortunes have announced that they
( already ) have disinvested completely in fossil fuels in common with many American universities and other organisations ahead of the UN Climate Change conference. Of course, it may simply be that they see better long-term opportunities in a rapidly growing renewables market, but let's wait and see. Remember, this is the family that gave birth to Standard Oil which in turn spawned Exxon, Chevron and other assorted horror stories.

Read more here: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/22/rockefeller-heirs-divest-fossil-fuels-climate-change

Saturday, 13 September 2014

A different kind of fracking?

This gentleman  ( who apparently has been asked to address the UK Labour Party Conference is obviously talking about an entirely new kind of fracking/shale gas extraction......................


He must be. It sounds nothing like the abomination that has ruined millions ( yes ) of lives, caused countless earthquakes and ruined umpteen communities across the USA and in Poland for instance. Nothing like the mess that has led to landscape desecration, water pollution on a grand scale, gagging orders ( even on children as young as 7 years old ) and widespread property devaluation in one case in Texas leading a judge to award plaintiffs $25 million alone. He must be. The fracking to which we refer involves the extraction of yet another dirty fuel which when everything is factored in is not at all 'clean' nor anything like 'natural'. He must be - surely.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

UK - Planning Committee turn down application to frack in National Park

South Downs National Park Authority rejects shale gas bid.

Planning committee turn down Celtique Energie application to explore for shale gas and oil near Fernhurst in West Sussex

Adam Vaughan Thursday 11 September 2014
An energy company’s bid to drill for shale oil and gas in the UK’s newest national park has been rejected.
On Thursday, the 11 officials on the planning committee of the South Downs National Park Authority voted unanimously to turn down an application by Celtique Energie to undertake exploratory drilling as a precursor to fracking at Fernhurst in West Sussex.
A spokeswoman for the SDNPA said: “The applicant had failed to demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist and that it would be in the public interest for the activity to take place in a protected area.”
But while local residents who had opposed the application celebrated and waved placards outside the planning meeting in Midhurst, Celtique Energie immediately said it believed ministers would overturn the decision if it appealed the decision.
Geoff Davies, the company’s CEO, said: “We believe SDNPA officers appear to have made their recommendation and the committee appears to have made its decision based on a subjective and unjustified interpretation of planning guidance.
“The decision fails to take into consideration the importance of this project to the nation and the comprehensive steps Celtique would be taking to ensure that all exploration work would be done sensitively during the very temporary period we would be working in the national park.”
Environmental and rural campaigners were delighted with the planning decision. Brenda Pollack, south-east campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said: “This is a victory for common sense – there should be no place for shale oil or gas exploration in our national parks. But thousands of communities across the country still face the threat of fracking in their backyard.”
Simon Clydesdale, Greenpeace UK’s climate and energy campaigner, said: “With their second consecutive no to fracking, Sussex authorities have sent a clear signal that the county is not prepared to be the testing lab for this inexperienced and controversial industry.”
Emma Marrington, National Park campaigner at the Campaign to Protect Rural England, which campaigned for the park’s creation, added: “We welcome the common sense decision not to allow industrialisation of the UK’s newest national park through oil and gas exploration.”
A rejection looked likely after the SDNPA planning officers earlier this month recommended the committee turn down the bid, on the grounds that Celtique Energie had failed to demonstrate the “exceptional circumstances” required for drilling in national parks. Earlier in the summer, local highway officials said the company had underplayed the impact from lorry noise.
A recent poll for the Guardian showed the majority of the British public think fracking in national parks should be banned.
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Wednesday, 10 September 2014

US - Thank you Hilary...................

Guardian report: 'How Hilary Clinton's State Department sold fracking to the World'.

Read the full ( depressing ) article here:http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/10/how-hillary-clintons-state-department-sold-fracking-to-the-world

Thank you Hils.

Undafe Chemicals - Just how many more studies are needed?!

Yet more evidence here that totally unsafe chemicals are deployed in the fracking 'mix' yet do we really nee to know more:http://ecowatch.com/2014/09/08/fracking-wastewater-study/?

What we need is greater citizen involvement at all levels and more politicians with the guts and integrity to oppose this abomination.Ed.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

UK - Cuadrilla 'supports public's involvement'. Eh?!

Ah, now we see.......................


Actually, it's business as normal. Oh well.

Good luck to all the brave citizens now putting their lives on hold in that part of Lnacashire. Ed.

Friday, 5 September 2014

UK - A fair distribution of the gains (£££) from fracking up the land?

You know, it never even occurred to us that there would not be a fair and equitable distribution of the financial gains from the despoilation of UK landscape, water supplies and peace and quiet once the fracking fraternity ( not known for their sensitivity of course ) get going. Ed.

Reflect upon this here: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/04/fracking-for-many-oil-wealth-exploited-for-few

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Pennsylvania - 243 cases of aquafer contamination - since 2008.

And counting...................

Official Environment Agency figures released:


UK - Majority of public not convinced.......................

Not convinced by Tory promises regarding.......................

a. Government will only fracking in National Parks in 'exceptional circumstances'

b. Changes to trespass laws.

c. Water consumptio and more........................

Not convinced. But it will make no difference. However, once this all kicks in the political landscape could be changed for decades and that is not wishful thinking on our part. Ed.

Read more here: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/04/ban-fracking-from-national-parks-say-majority-of-uk-public