Monday, 26 September 2011

In Error - Our Apologies

We have been advised today, following rigorous re-examination of sources by our researchers, that the information contained in our previous blog regarding Languedoc Roussillon was essentially mischievously based. Clearly, someone (!) is ahead of the game. Our apologies for any excitement caused.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Law - what law? Exploration progresses...............

The Confédération Paysanne in Languedoc-Roussillon in their press release dated 22nd September 2011 refer to letters which they claim members have received from their Prefect instructing them to give free access to Gaz de Schiste companies ( in this case Total ) to their parcels of land immediately following the moisson/harvest. Naturally, they are collectively concerned and in the communique we have received would appear to be advocating 'non-violent resistance'.

Hopefully producers and others in this region will now begin to take seriously earlier warnings about the true intentions of government in this matter. The much diluted law banning Hydraulic Fracking was merely a device to calm the masses. If reports are valid we would now appear to be beginning to see the true nature of governmental intentions. Remember, under current legislation (loi minier) derricks may be placed as close as 50m to your property boundaries.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Newsletter 21 September 2011

“Gaz de Schiste production has not been banned”
“The gas companies are re-applying for permits”
“ Gas companies may not be telling the truth
“Environmental damage is still a real threat”
Thanks from
The Schiste Happens Team